Perplexity Search helping me figure out how to approach and understand this
What do we want first?
- a printable map with essential info
- an interactive map with all info
We’ll be able to have both eventually, but we have to decide one to orient around 1st
- What is the purpose of this map?
- Who will have access to it?
- What data do we want to map/gather?
- Address
- Medications
- Physical Ailments
- How do we represent each house and it’s inhabitants?
- How do we want to handle data privacy with a public map like this?
- Maybe we only invite people to view the map once they’ve added their own info and we’ve verified all of it?
- We’re asking for pretty sensitive information and most people won’t want most people to see it unless absolutely necessary
- Are we getting into HIPA territory? Worth asking Matt about in the email
Things to include / plan
- [ ] A map of the houses included
- [ ] Current certified CERT members on the street
- [ ] Automatic role division unless there’s a need to change it
- [ ] A collective resilience plan in the face of a disaster
- [ ] Complete list of neighbors
- [ ] Resources hot spots
- [ ] Safe spots for kids + elderly